Monday, June 22, 2009

So God Exists After All...

Let me preface this by saying I had a great Father's Day. The weather prevented me from partaking in a 2nd annual Father/Son round of golf (it's been raining almost everyday and even though the rain held off for most of Sunday, the golf course was inundated with water), but the family headed down to Citizens Bank Park to catch the Phillies-Orioles game. As my dad is originally from Baltimore, and the Phillies almost never play the O's at home because of the Interleague schedule, this was a great and very appropriate opportunity to spend a day at the ballpark. After the game, the family went out to dinner at a fun Italian restaurant in S. Philly, went home, watched Baby Mama and opened presents. My dad loves Sacha Baron Cohen, so my brother and I got him Borat on DVD, an IOU to see Bruno, and an IOU for our round of golf. Overall, it was a great day.

But still, I hate Father's Day. And let's not be sexist, I hate Mother's Day too. A little history lesson for you. Mother's Day was created by a woman named Anna Jarvis from West Virginia as a day to honor mothers and motherhood. Consequently, Father's Day was created to honor fathers and fatherhood (See here and here for information on the holidays). The fact that the "holidays" were created from thin air is such a bothersome and contrived notion, I can hardly express how irritated and agitated I am. And now, almost 100 years after the creation of these mythical holidays, we "celebrate" ridiculously commercialized days dedicated to letting mom and dad relax and answering to their beck and call. I'm not exactly enslaved by my parents, but having to hear "stop fighting, it's Mother's Day" and "be nice to dad, it's Father's Day" really ticks me off. Not to get into a religious argument, but shouldn't this always be the case? Straight for the 10 Commandments, God says "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother" (Exodus 20:12 for those religious folk). So why do we need a special Sunday in May or June to remind us of this? (If in fact Mother's and Father's days serve as your reminder to be nice to your parents, well...then I think you have some serious thinking to do about your life.) Why not just be nice to your parents everyday, like you're supposed to? Somehow, I just don't see an IOU for Bruno as a sufficient "thank you" for giving me life. But thanks to Hallmark, I'm forced to think of contrived gift ideas every year, apart from birthdays and Hanukkah, for my parents. If anything, giving meaningless cards and gifts only clouds the original meaning of the holiday, and that is disappointing. I just know that when I grow up, I will certainly forgo Father's Day and all of its artificial, commercialized rituals, and I wont put my kids through these phony holidays.

Moving on, as my title so subtly stated, I finally have faith that God exists (yes, technically it is hypocritical to use God's name in vain, breaking the 3rd of the 10 commandments, after quoting the commandments in the previous paragraph. Eh, no one's perfect. Forgive me.). Jon and Kate are getting divorced. Praise the Lord. I'm so sick and tired about hearing about this family. I can't believe stuff like this is considered news. Just look at the image of earlier today: There is an article for a 'Jon and Kate' blog above articles about Autism research and terror suspects buying guns. WHY!? That is so infuriating. (Not to mention CNN has articles about Chris Brown, Farrah Fawcett, and Tyra Banks' stalker on their is that news?! Shows how reliable CNN is...). So Jon and Kate had 8 does that make for an entertaining TV show!?!? (If in fact you watch this TV show, I can't even imagine how bored you must be with your own life that you watch Jon and Kate Plus 8. Unless you're about to have sextuplets and you need parenting tips, there's NO excuse. Also, I don't think I would take parenting tips from them; considering their adulterous relationship, I would seriously reconsider taking any advice about parenting or marriage from them.). Finally, they'll disappear into Middle America with the rest of us--until one of them ends up on The Surreal Life or another bad D-List celebreality show. And hopefully they'll take They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...the idiots from The Hills...Heidi and Spencer (*shudder*). I'll save my rant about celebrity and celebrity gossip for another day. But good luck with that divorce...I can't even imagine how messy that's gonna be, not that either of them are starved for money with the success of their show.

P.S. Re: my last post: Nadal pulled out of Wimbledon, Mickelson and Woods both fell short of winning the US Open, and the US managed to advance in the Confederations Cup by a miracle of God--further proof he exists! Sooo, maybe my predictions aren't perfect. But seriously, watch Lance.

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